Photographic Novella

She Learned to Smile Later 

A photographic novella of a therapeutic journey from adversity to triumph

Images begin with trauma, fear and violence subsiding to allow decision-making. Dawn beckons leading to clarity, hope, trust and strength. The photographs represent reality as well as visual metaphors linking the narrative.

Basic use of the camera allows beauty and emotion to form a foundation both indoors and outdoors. However, though straight black and white photos answered much of my requirements, I felt a determined need for true “hands on” techniques including:  model-making, sculptural constructions, silhouette collages, costume construction, hand-drawn images, Photoshop blending, and even found objects.

There are color overlays blanketing the black and white images to reflect emotions through the journey. The color spectrum speaks to those emotions.


Why did I create this story?

While exploring ways to express emotional healing through an art project, I thought about many different adversities people suffer and how one might recover. I myself had recently been making such a personal journey. In working through this deeply intense story, I called upon my own therapy and self-discovery that truly helped me accomplish my project.

The idea of a women’s plight took hold because I was reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and watching the movie from the Russian novel Anna Karenina. The trials encountered by the two women were different. However, both Lisbeth Salander and Anna Karenina had traumatic experiences that led them along paths causing self-awareness and searching for strength.

I hope that I can help those who have suffered while they inhabit this community of secret lives as well as those who provide therapy and guidance. 

View the story here »